Monday, September 29, 2014

Networking Quiz - Computer Knowledge

Q.1 What is the Full form of LAN?
(A) Local Area Network.
(B) Low Area Network.
(C) Local Average Network.
(D) Light Area Network.

Q.2 Internet can be compared with what kind of network?
(D) None of these.

Q.3 Network between some branches of a bank within a city or town can be compared with-
(D) None of these.

Q.4 Which type of cable is used in a network for more connection strength?
(A) Optical Fibre.
(B) UTP (Unshielded Twisted pair).
(C) STP (Shielded).
(D) Coaxial cable.

Computer Knowledge Basic

Q.1 Which of the following is a input device?
(A) Monitor.
(B) Printer.
(C) Plotter.
(D) Joystick.

Q.2 Which is send through a input device?
(A) Data.
(B) Information.
(C) Both A and B.
(D) None of these.

Q.3 We can receive information with the help of which of the following device?
(A) Input Device.
(B) Output Device.
(C) Storage Device.
(D) Printing Device.

Q.4 What kind of device is a computer Monitor?
(A) Input Device.
(B) Output Device.
(C) Storage Device.
(D) Printing Device.

Q.5 What is Computer Data?
(A) It is the produced data by computer
(B) It is the raw material for processing.
(C) It is the final product.
(D) None of these.

Q.6 What kind of device is a computer Mouse?
(A) Input Device.
(B) Output Device.
(C) Storage Device.
(D) Printing Device.

HTML Quiz - Computer Knowledge

Q. What is the Full form of HTML?
(A) Highlight Text Markup Language.
(B) Hyper Text Manipulating Language.
(C) Hyper Transfer Markup Language.
(D) Hyper Text Markup Language.

Q. '<p>' - this tag is used in HTML for-
(A) Paranthesis.
(B) Paragraph.
(C) Picture.
(D) Parallel line.

Q. <title> - this tag is used in HTML for-
(A) File name.
(B) Title of a person.
(C) File Format.
(D) Page title name.

Q. <!DOCTYPE html> is what kind of tag used in HTML?
(A) It is used for header name.
(B) It is used for footer name.
(C) It is used for HTML declaration. Specially in HTML 5.
(D) It is used for generating dynamic content.

Q. HTML is what kind of language?
(A) Binary Language.
(B) Assembly Language.
(C) Machine Language.
(D) Markup language.

PHP Quiz - Computer Knowledge

Q1. What is the acronym for PHP?
(A) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor.
(B) Picture Highlight Preprocessor.
(C) PHP High Level Processor.
(D) Paragraph Highlight Preprocessor.

Q2. PHP is what kind of language?
(A) Server scripting language.
(B) Image processing software language only.
(C) Is a Assembly level computer language.
(D) Is a Machine level Computer Language.

Q3. What kind of extension a php file have?
(A) .exe
(B) .php
(C) .txt

Q4. Can we generate dynamic content through PHP?
(A) No.
(B) Yes.
(C) Yes but we need help of other web programming languages like ASP .net.
(D) PHP is not related with content creation tool.

Q5.What is the start and end of a PHP code?
(A) PHP code starts with   "??php"  and ends with  "??"
(B) PHP code starts with   "<?php"  and ends with  "?>"
(C) PHP code starts with   "<<php"  and ends with  ">>"
(D) PHP code starts with   "<php"  and ends with  ">"