Monday, November 14, 2016

Adobe Pagemaker Quiz 6

1. ctrl+c is used to -
A) copy a selected text
B) center the paragraph
C) A & B
D) find a cell for the selected text

2. Which is value of paper orientation?
A) Landscape
B) portrait
C) A and B
D) none

3. In PageMaker Pointer Tool is used to -
A) type text inside a circle.
B) pick up graphics and text.
C) edit.
D) draw a box.

Adobe Pagemaker Quiz 5

1. Book command is used to create a book of publications of the same book. It is seen under -
A) Edit Menu
B) Element Menu
C) Utilities Menu
D) Layout Menu

2. Which of the following commands is seen under Element menu?
A) Character
B) Sort Pages
C) Paste Special
D) Arrange

3. In PageMaker Oval frame is used to -
A) draw a circle or elliptical picture.
B) draw a box.
C) type text inside a circle.
D) edit.

4. Links Manager shows you -
A) a list of recently opened publication.
B) the various link files in the publication.
C) various styles of printing.
D) the current publication file.

5. Which command is used to delete the current selection from your publication without storing it in the clipboard?
A) Offset
B) Paste
C) Select All
D) none of these

Adobe Pagemaker Quiz 4

1. Which command helps to customize your publication according to your preferences?
A) Revert
B) Acquire
C) Preferences
D) Print

2. Which menu contains keyline command?
A) Edit Menu
B) Element Menu
C) Utilities Menu
D) Layout Menu

3. Which tool is used to write notes on the image?
A) Pen Tool
B) Notes Tool
C) Type Tool
D) Hand Tool

4. Which command permits two seperate operations?
A) Stroke
B) Allignment
C) Hyphenation
D) Style

5. Which is not a justified type?
A) left Justified  
B) center Justified
C) Right Justified
D) Middle Justified

Adobe Photoshop Quiz 2

1. In Photoshop this creates a sharp-edged shape on a layer and is useful any time you want to add a design element with clean defined edges. It is called -
A) Layer Mask
B) Create Clipping Mask
C) Smart Objects
D) Vector mask

2. Which of the follwing defines method of filling the inside of objects and text characters?
A) Interactive Fill Tool
B) Eyedropper Tool
C) Fill Tool
D) Outline Tool

3. Adobe Photoshop supports the information standard developed by the NAA and IPTC to identify transmitted text and images. The full form  of ITPC is -
A) Indian Press Telecommunication Commision
B) Indian Press Telecommunications Council
C) International Press Telecommunications Council
D) International Press Telecommunications Centre

4. Which Option is not needed at the time of new file creation in photoshop?
A) width
B) height
C) Mode
D) none

5. Adjustment layer pallete -
A) allows you to view, select, and apply preset layer styles.
B) stores and displays each action performed allowing you jump to any recent stage of the image alteration.
C) let you organize your work into distinct levels that can be edited and viewed as individual units.
D) give you the ability to apply an effect to a group of layers in photoshop, and then you can edit that effect later, while preserving the original layers.

6. Which of the following is true?
A) Photoshop camera raw software can open a camera raw image file.
B) Photoshop camera raw software can not save an image in a camera raw format.
C) A & B
D) Photoshop camera raw software can save an image in a camera raw format.

7. Which pallete give you the ability to apply an effect to a group of layers in photoshop, and then you can edit that effect later, while preserving the original layers
A) Navigator
B) Color
C) Histogram
D) Adjustment Layer

Corel Draw Quiz 4

1. Which is a Bitmap editing package and images are subject to resolution?
A) Corel Photopaint
B) Photoshop
C) CorelDraw
D) None of these

2. In CorelDraw, the object you trim, called the -
A) Primary Object
B) Secondary Object
C) Main Object
D) Target Object

3. Which pallete will you select to choose a foreground or background color and add a customized color to the library?
A) Navigator
B) Color
C) Histogram
D) Swatches

4. In Corel draw, this tool is unique in that it enables you to create lines attached with labels at various position. The name of this tool is -
A) Polyline Tool
B) Slanted Dimension
C) Callout
D) Auto Dimension

Corel Draw Quiz 3

1. In corel draw which tool enables you to draw lines quickly between objects?
A) Fill Tool
B) Outline Tool
C) Interactive Connector Tool
D) None of the above

2. Which tool is used to draw shapes like an arrow,slanted rectangle, etc in Corel draw?
A) Rectangle Tool
B) Basic Shapes Tool
C) Polygon Tool
D) none of these

3. In CorelDraw, which menu helps you to lock a n object?
A) View Menu
B) Type Menu
C) Utilities Menu
D) Arrange Menu

4. What is trimming?
A) Trimming is a quick way to allign objects to the nearest grid line.
B) Trimming is a quick way to allign objects to the centre of the page.
C) Trimming is a quick way to remove objects.
D) Trimming is a quick way to create objects with irregular shapes.

5. Which pallete allows user to resize and move around within the image?
A) Navigator
B) Color
C) Histogram
D) Layer

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Tally Quiz 3

1. Which of the following is a option of company features menu?
A) Quit
B) Open
C) Select

2. Which is not a type of loan?
A) Secured Loan
B) Unsecured Loan
C) Both
D) None

3. In Tally, which shortcut is used to import statutory masters?
A) Ctrl+I
B) Ctrl+Alt+I
C) F7
D) Ctrl+Alt

4. The gateway of Tally screen is seperated into six sections. To open Calculator area, which shortcut will you use?
A) ctrl+M
B) ctrl+N
C) ctrl+T
D) Ctrl+C

5. Which is the shortcut key to shut a company?
A) Alt+F4
B) Alt+F1
C) Alt+F6
D) None

6. Tally audit is a feature of - A) Error finding
B) Auditing
C) Track changes
D) All of the above

7. In tally, Alt+P is used for -
A) Export
B) Help
C) Keyboard
D) Print

8. Restore option requires -
A) Company
B) Source
C) Destination
D) All of the above

Tally Quiz 2

1. In Tally, TDS stands for -
A) Tax Deducted Source
B) Tax Deduction Source
C) Tax deducted at source
D) None of these

2. In Tally, F2 is used to change -
A) Current data
B) Company
C) Current date
D) Currency

3. Back up option requires -
A) Company
B) Source
C) Destination
D) All of the above

4. Which features can be modified if the features has been used?
A) Cost Centres
B) Billwise Details
C) Both
D) None

5. Company features can be modified by -
A) F12
B) F11
C) F8
D) F6

Tally Quiz 1

1. In tally, what is the full form of VAT?
A) Value Added Transfer
B) Value Added Tally
C) Value Added Text
D) Value Added Tax

2. The gateway of Tally screen is seperated into six sections. To open main area, which shortcut will you use?
A) ctrl+M
B) ctrl+N
C) ctrl+T
D) Ctrl+C

3. In tally, Alt+H is used for -
A) Export
B) Help
C) Keyboard
D) Print

4. Which shortcut helps you to select the credit note voucher?
A) Ctrl+N
B) Ctrl+F8
C) Ctrl+F9
D) F1

5. In which environment Tally 9 can work?
A) Business
B) Stock
C) Network
D) Forex

Adobe Pagemaker Quiz 3

1. Which feature lets you to preserve correct perspective in edits of images that contain perspective planes, for instance, the sides of a building or any rectangular object?
A) Liquify
B) Artistic
C) Vanishing Point
D) Distort

2. Which tool is used to pick up graphics and text in PageMaker?
A) Pointer Tool
B) Text Tool
C) Oval Frame
D) Hand

3. This command is to select the size of the line drawn by user. This is -
A) Stroke
B) Allignment
C) Paragraph
D) Style

4. The blank space between the two lines of the text is known as -
A) Paragraph
B) Allignment
C) leading
D) Style

5. At the upper left corner of the window -
A) Status Bar is seen
B) Microsoft Office button is seen
C) Title Bar is seen
D) Scroll Bar is seen

Adobe Pagemaker Quiz 2

1. Mask command is available under -
A) Edit Menu
B) Element Menu
C) Utilities Menu
D) Layout Menu

2. Window menu does not contain -
A) Open files
B) Cascade
C) Tile
D) Zero Lock

3. Which tool is used to move the screen from left to right, top to bottom?
A) Rotate Tool
B) Text Tool
C) Oval Frame
D) Hand

4. Which command defines various styles of printing?
A) Print
B) Printer Styles
C) Preferences
D) Document Setup

5. In Adobe Photoshop, Paint Bucket Tool is used to -
A) paint a copy of one state or snapshot of an image into the current image window.
B) lighten or darken areas of the image.
C) fill adjacent pixels that are similar in color value to the pixels you click.
D) return the affected area to a state selected in the history pallete.

Adobe Pagemaker Quiz 1

1. Which tool is used to type text inside a circle in PageMaker?
A) Pointer Tool
B) Text Tool
C) Oval Frame
D) Hand

2. Standard toolbar contains -
A) the various tools for formatting.
B) the name of the opened file.
C) all the menus.
D) nothing.

3. Which toolbar helps to scroll the pages left to right and back?
A) Vertical Scroll bar
B) Bottom Scroll bar
C) Standard toolbar
D) Vertical Rular

4. In PageMaker, this command is active only if you have the scanner attached to your computer. It is known as -
A) Revert
B) Acquire
C) Recent Publications
D) Print

5. Which of the following commands is seen under Edit menu?
A) Character
B) Sort Pages
C) Paste Special
D) Arrange

Corel Draw Quiz 2

Q.1 Which of the followings are the types of specific bitmaps?
D) All of the above

Q.2 which is the Powerful vector graphic filter in corel draw 13?

Q.3 SVG is a powerful vector graphic filter in corel draw 13. What is the full form of SVG?
A) Scale Vector Graphics
B) Scalable Vector Graphics
C) Set Vector Graphics
D) Scalable Vector Graph

Q.4 Which of the following is not true –
A) ctrl+I is the shortcut key to open the export dialog
B) ctrl+O helps user to open a file
C) ctrl+N helps to choose a new file
D) ctrl+J  helps tree directory under workspace and clicking save

Q.5 which is the shortcut to open the import dialog in corel draw 13?
A) ctrl+J
B) ctrl+I
C) ctrl+O
D) ctrl+D

Corel Draw Quiz 1

Q.1 In corel draw which mode heps user to draw curves that change thickness based on the direction of the curve?
A) Brush Mode
B) Pressure Sensitive Mode
C) Calligraphic Mode
D) Preset Mode

Q.2 This mode allows you to “spray” a series of objects along a curve. It is
A) Object Sprayer Mode
B) Calliographic Mode
C) Brush Mode
D) Preset Mode

Q.3 How many different shape tools exist in corel draw?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

Q.4 In corel draw which tool enables you to fill colours inside the drawings?
A) Fill Tool
B) Outline Tool
C) Interactive Fill Tool
D) None of the above

Q.5 what is the full form of WPG?
A) Word Perfect Graphic
B) World Perfect Graphic
C) Word Picture Graphic
D) Wall Paper Graphic

Q.6 How many different import filters is there in corel draw 13 to get various file formats into your document?
A) 31
B) 41
C) 61
D) 51

Adobe Photoshop Quiz 1

Q.1 In Adobe Photoshop, which of the following tool is used to fill adjacent pixels that are similar in color value to the pixels you click?
A) Lasso Tool. 
B) Paint Bucket Tool.
C) Dodge Tool.
D) None of the above.

Q.2 Which of the following tool is used to soften hard edges or areas in an image to reduce details in adobe Photoshop?
A) Eraser Tool.
B) Brush Tool.
C) Blur Tool.
D) Sharpen Tool.

Q.3 By notes tool in photoshop we can write notes on the image. This note -
A) is only visible and would be printed while printing
B) would only be printed while printing
C) is only visible and would not be printed while printing
D) is only visible

Q.4 To get rid of unwanted parts of the picture we can use-
A) Sharpen Tool
B) Cropping Tool
C) Brush Tool
D) Slice Tool

Q.5 Which command allows you to save the current file under a new name?
A) Copy
B) Save
C) Save as
D) All of the above