Monday, November 14, 2016

Corel Draw Quiz 4

1. Which is a Bitmap editing package and images are subject to resolution?
A) Corel Photopaint
B) Photoshop
C) CorelDraw
D) None of these

2. In CorelDraw, the object you trim, called the -
A) Primary Object
B) Secondary Object
C) Main Object
D) Target Object

3. Which pallete will you select to choose a foreground or background color and add a customized color to the library?
A) Navigator
B) Color
C) Histogram
D) Swatches

4. In Corel draw, this tool is unique in that it enables you to create lines attached with labels at various position. The name of this tool is -
A) Polyline Tool
B) Slanted Dimension
C) Callout
D) Auto Dimension

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